Kids can be more sensitive to their emotional surroundings and might need support to deal with feelings of stress, anxiety, low mood or trauma.

Shiatsu massage is safe, fun and relaxing and can be very helpful for young children and teenagers who suffer from headaches, asthma, eczema, repeated ear infections, concentration difficulties, and many other problems.

Our individual and group online Shiatsu sessions are ideal for kids and teens of all ages.


View our calendar for upcoming events or book a session today!

shiatsu massage for children

Online Shiatsu Testimonials:

Thank you so much for last night’s session. It was really wonderful and what we needed. My girls said they really liked it.
Zoe has been feeling a bit sad lately and worries a lot and we have been doing different things to work on that like deep breathing etc. so it was nice that someone else could show her critical tools to use besides her mum!
— Eva, France
Thank you for the session last night, we both really enjoyed it, we both learnt some very interesting relaxation techniques which I will continue to remind Marley about.

I felt that the class flowed really well and the way you explained and demonstrated what we should be doing really was spot on, not too much info but enough in 1 session to take on board.
— Lisa Tisbury (and Marley), UK